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Detailed information
Title Method Development and Validation for Dried Blood Spot Analysis based on Flow Through Desorption, Solid-Phase Extraction and Mass Spectrometry
Summary A new SPE-LC-MS/MS method for analysis of very small blood volumes from DBS cards was developed and validated. 1 μL-blood spots are desorbed in a flow through manner directly onto a SPE-LC-MS/MS system cartridge for online clean-up, followed by LC/MS/MS analysis.
Category 1. Prospekt 1 Application information

These applications were mostly done on Prospekt1 and can offer a good starting point when executed on Symbiosis. Care should be taken on differences in volume (SDU vs. HPD). Also, most information is based on other detectors than MS
Matrix mouse blood
Market Clinical
Technique DBS
Cartridge HySphere C18HD 10x2 mm, 7 μm
Detection APCI-MS (4000 QTrap, AB Sciex)
Compounds Phospholipids
Compound Group pharmacokinetic studies
Sample_volume 1 µL
Contact Chris Swaanen, Benno Ingelse and Christel Hempen
Account Spark Holland, P. de Keyserstraat 8, PO Box 388, 7800AJ, Emmen, The Netherlands
Published poster
Date 02.12.2019
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